Travis Raske Director of Teaching and Learning 218-568-9332
Teaching, Learning and Technology
District Leadership Team (DLT)
The DLT is responsible for ensuring alignment to the District Strategic Plan and for helping the principal lead the BLT. The DLT will also work in partnership with the District Advisory Council involving members of the community.
Building Leadership Team (BLT)
Led by building principals, BLT members from each site are responsible for creating, implementing, and assessing the School Improvement Plan (SIP) in partnership with the principal.
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
Teams of educators committed to working collaboratively to answer the four main questions regarding student learning:
1) What should students know or be able to do?
2) How is the knowing/doing measured?
3) What interventions are in place when students experience difficulty?
4) How do we enrich lessons for students who need it?